I attended my first NAEYC conference last year and I was blown away by the fantastic workshops and events! I’ve uploaded my journals and notes and you can read them all here. [Note- I’ve backdated them so they have the date of when I originally typed them up]
In 10 days I’ll be leaving for the conference in Atlanta! November 15-18th! Woo-hoo!
I am eager to learn as much as I can, and I plan on filling up my notebook with notes like I did last year. I also plan to connect with more Outdoor Preschool teachers. Last time I chatted with a few people from around the country and it was interesting to see what different types of problems people face, and their solutions.
I’m so glad they have an online itinerary maker for all the sessions. I’m doing all the sessions in the “Environmental Education for Children” track again, with a few other options that should be interesting.