I noticed that if I hadn’t gotten around to protecting certain types of wood it would start to look really old. It would turn silver/gray and start to look terrible.
I tried finding solutions, and I found three options:
- replace the wood and coat it with polyurethane or some sort of protectant next time.
- pressure wash the wood
- Use wood bleach.
Since I didn’t have it in my budget for the first two options, I found the following oxalic acid – aka wood bleach- and it has pretty good reviews on amazon.
However, I haven’t yet tried it because I need to get heavy duty gloves and some sort of protectant for my clothes (at least I have chemical goggles, but they tend to steam up still).
It should also get rid of the black spots that have appeared on top of the ‘bridge’ in the outdoor classroom. There are also black streaks atop some spots too. I think these were all due to excess moisture.